The VBA Weekday Function

Related Function:
VBA WeekdayName


The VBA Weekday Function returns an integer (from 1 to 7), representing the day of the week for a supplied date.

The syntax of the function is:

Weekday( Date, [FirstDayOfWeek] )

Where the function arguments are:

Date - The date that you want to return the weekday of.
[FirstDayOfWeek] -

An optional FirstDayOfWeek enumeration value, specifying the weekday that should be used as the first day of the week.

This can have any of the following values:

vbUseSystemDayOfWeek - The first day of the week is as specified in your system settings
vbSunday - Sunday
vbMonday - Monday
vbTuesday - Tuesday
vbWednesday - Wednesday
vbThursday - Thursday
vbFriday - Friday
vbSaturday - Saturday

If omitted, the [FirstDayOfWeek] argument uses the default value vbSunday.

VBA Weekday Function Examples

The following examples use the VBA Weekday function to return the day of week for the date 12/31/2015 (a Thursday).

Example 1

' Return the weekday for the date 12/31/2015 (first day of week is Sunday)
Dim wkday As Integer
wkday = Weekday( #12/31/2015# )
' The variable wkday now equals 5.

Note that, in the above call to the Weekday function, the [FirstDayOfWeek] argument is omitted and so it uses the default value vbSunday. Therefore, 12/31/2015 (a Thursday) relates to weekday number 5.

Example 2

' Return the weekday for the date 12/31/2015 (first day of week is Thursday)
Dim wkday As Integer
wkday = Weekday( #12/31/2015#, vbThursday )
' The variable wkday now equals 1.

Note that, in the above call to the VBA Weekday function, the [FirstDayOfWeek] argument is set to the value vbThursday. Therefore, 12/31/2015 (a Thursday) relates to weekday number 1.

VBA Weekday Function Error

If the Date argument that is supplied to the Weekday function cannot be interpreted as a valid date, the function returns the error:

Run-time error '13': Type mismatch

VBA Run Time Error 13 Message Box