The VBA MsgBox Function

Related Function:
VBA InputBox


The VBA MsgBox function displays a modal message box. The function returns a VbMsgBoxResult enumeration, which tells you which button has been selected by the user.

The syntax of the function is:

MsgBox( Prompt, [Buttons], [Title], [HelpFile], [Context] )

Where the function arguments are:

Prompt - The text string that you want to appear in the message box.
[Buttons] -

An optional argument that specifies the properties of the message box.

The main options, defining the number and type of buttons to be displayed, are:

Value Buttons Displayed
vbOKOnly - OK
vbOKCancel - OK and Cancel
vbAbortRetryIgnore - OK and Cancel
vbYesNoCancel - Yes, No and Cancel
vbYesNo - Yes and No
vbRetryCancel - Retry and Cancel

If the [Buttons] argument is omitted, or if none of the above values are specified, the default value vbOKOnly is used.

There are also a number of other [Buttons] values that specify additional properties for the message box. These values can be used in conjunction with other options.

+   Show additional options
[Title] - A optional text string that specifies a title to be displayed at the top of the message box.
[HelpFile] -

An optional string argument, identifying the Help file that is to be displayed if the 'Help' button is selected.

If the [HelpFile] argument is provided, the [Context] argument must also be provided.
[Context] -

An optional numeric value that is the context ID for the Help topic to be displayed.

If the [Context] argument is provided, the [HelpFile] argument must also be provided.

The VBA MsgBox function returns one of the following VbMsgBoxResult enumeration values, informing the developer of the option that has been selected by the user:

VbMsgBoxResult Value Button Selected
vbOK 1 OK
vbCancel 2 Cancel
vbAbort 3 Abort
vbRetry 4 Retry
vbIgnore 5 Ignore
vbYes 6 Yes
vbNo 7 No

VBA MsgBox Function Examples

Example 1 - Simple Welcome Message

' Display a Welcome message.
MsgBox( "Welcome!" )

The above code displays the following message box to the user:

Example of a Simple OK Message Box, Produced By the VBA MsgBox Function

The VBA code pauses while the message box is displayed. When the user clicks on the OK button, the program will continue to run.

Example 2 - MsgBox Returning Yes or No

' Ask the user if they want to continue a long calculation.
Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
answer = MsgBox( "This calculation could take several minutes. Do you want to continue?",   vbYesNo )
If answer = vbYes Then
' Code to continue the calculation
' Code to stop the calculation
End If

The above code displays the following message box to the user:

Example of a Yes/No Message Box, Produced By the VBA MsgBox Function

Note that the above VBA code stores the result from the MsgBox function in a variable called answer. The value of this variable is then used in an If statement.

Example 3 - MsgBox Function Receiving Two [Button] Argument Values

' Failed file read. Ask the user if they want to retry or cancel.
Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
answer = MsgBox( "Failed to find input file, data.txt",   vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation )
If answer = vbRetry Then
' Code to retry the file read
' Code to cancel the file read
End If

The above code displays the following message box to the user:

Example of a Retry/Cancel Message Box, Produced By the VBA MsgBox Function

Note that, in the above VBA code:

Example 4 - Forcing a Line Break in a Message Box

You can use the constant vbNewLine to represent a line break in a VBA string. This must be concatenated with the other components of a String, using the & operator.

An example of this is shown below:

' Display the value in cell A1 of the active worksheet.
MsgBox( "Current Value in Cell A1:" & vbNewLine & Range( "A1" ) )

The above code displays the following message box to the user:

Example of VBA Message Box With Line Break in Prompt Text

Note that, in the above VBA code, the & operator has been used to concatenate the string "Current Value in Cell A1:" with vbNewLine, and the value from cell A1 of the active sheet. The resulting string is then supplied as the Prompt argument to the MsgBox function.