Sometimes you might want to hide some of the rows in your Excel worksheet.
Note that, if you want to hide rows satisfying certain criteria, you might prefer to use the Excel Autofilter.
This page provides step-by-step guides on how to hide rows in Excel and how to unhide rows in Excel.
If you want to hide one or more rows in Excel:
Select the row(s) to be hidden.
(Note, you can select one or more rows by selecting the row label(s) to the left of your worksheet - E.g. to select rows 2 and 3, click on the row label "2" and drag down to row "3").
Hide the selected rows by either:
Select the rows that you want to unhide. You can do this by either:
Dragging down the row labels above and below the hidden row(s) - (E.g. If rows 2 and 3 are hidden, click on the row label "1" and drag down to row "4" to select rows 1-4).
Selecting the top left corner of the worksheet, to select the entire worksheet.
Unhide the selected rows by either: