Excel Zoom

Excel Zoom Command

The Excel zoom command changes the scale that a spreadsheet is viewed electronically. This does not change the underlying characteristics of your spreadsheet, and so a printout of the spreadsheet will remain the same, regardless of the selected zoom level.

Excel Zoom Menu

Zoom Options on the Excel Ribbon

The Excel Zoom option is located within the 'Zoom' grouping in the View tab of the Excel ribbon.

Excel Zoom Dialog Box

Selecting the Zoom option causes the Zoom options dialog box to pop up. This dialog box gives you the option to select a set magnification (e.g. 200%, 400%, etc.), or to specify a magnification of your own.

The Zoom dialog box also gives you the option to zoom to selection (i.e. to adjust the zoom scale to fit the currently selected cells in the current view).

Shortcuts to some of these options are presented on the Excel ribbon. For example, you can return to the spreadsheet's original size with a single click of the 100% zoom icon, or you can zoom to the current selected range of cells with a single click of the Zoom to Selection icon.

Excel Zoom to Display Named Ranges

Excel Zoom to Show Named Ranges

If you zoom your Excel worksheet to less than 40%, Excel automatically displays all your named ranges, as shown in the above image on the left.

This can be useful for helping you to keep track of the named ranges in your worksheet.

Excel Zoom Keyboard Shortcut

If, at any time, you want to quickly access the zoom dialog box, you can use the keyboard shortcut:

Alt + V Z

I.e. press the Alt key and while holding this down, press V and then Z.

Excel Zoom on Roll With IntelliMouse

Alternatively, if you have a mouse with a roller wheel, you can activate the Excel option Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse. This enables the user to zoom in or out of a spreadsheet by rolling the wheel on the mouse up or down.

The Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse option is found in the following locations:

In Current Versions of Excel (2010 and later):

  • Select the 'File' tab on the Excel ribbon, and from this, select Options;
  • The Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse option is found in the Advanced section of the Options menu.

In Excel 2007:

  • Click on the Office button (in the top left corner of the Excel ribbon), and then select Options;
  • The Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse option is found in the Advanced section of the Options menu.

In Excel 2003:

  • Select Tools→Options..., to open up the Options dialog box;
  • The Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse option is found in the 'General' tab of the Options dialog box.