The Excel WORKDAY.INTL Function

Related Functions:

Function Description

The Excel Workday.Intl function returns a date that is a supplied number of working days (excluding weekends and holidays) ahead of a given start date. The function allows the user to specify which days of the week are counted as weekends.

The function is new in Excel 2010 and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel. However, it is similar to the Workday function, which is available in earlier versions of Excel.

The syntax of the Workday.Intl function is:

WORKDAY.INTL( start_date, days, [weekend], [holidays] )

where the arguments are as follows:

start_date - The initial date, from which to count the number of workdays.
days - The number of workdays to add onto start_date.
[weekend] -

An optional argument, which specifies which weekdays should be counted as the weekend. This can be either a number or a string, as explained below:

Possible number values for the [weekend] argument are:

[weekend] days counted
as weekend
(or omitted)
Sat & Sun
2 Sun & Mon
3 Mon & Tue
4 Tue & Wed
5 Wed & Thu
6 Thu & Fri
7 Fri & Sat
11 Sunday only
12 Monday only
13 Tuesday only
14 Wednesday only
15 Thursday only
16 Friday only
17 Saturday only

Possible string values for the [weekend] argument consist of a series of seven 0's and 1's which represent the seven weekdays, starting from Monday.

Each 1 denotes a day that should be counted as a weekend and each 0 represents a working day.

For example,

0000100 - denotes Fridays only counted as weekend days
0001100 - denotes Thursdays and Fridays counted as weekend days
0000111 - denotes Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays counted as weekend days

The string "1111111" is not valid.

[holidays] - An optional argument, which specifies an array of dates (in addition to weekends) that are not to be counted as working days.

Note that Microsoft recommends that the start_date and [holidays] arguments should be input as either:


If you attempt to input Excel date arguments as text, Excel may misinterpret them, depending on the date system, or date interpretation settings, on your computer.

Workday.Intl Examples

The spreadsheets below show three examples of the Excel Workday.Intl function. In all three examples, the function is used to calculate the date that is 25 work days after Dec 01, 2015. However, the weekends and holidays are different in each case.

  A B C
1 Start Date: 12/01/2015  
2 Holidays: 12/25/2015  
3   12/28/2015  
4   01/01/2016  
6 Date Falling 25 work days after Dec 1st, 2015:
7 =WORKDAY.INTL( B1, 25 ) - Weekends Sat & Sun; No holidays
8 =WORKDAY.INTL( B1, 25, 1, B2:B4 ) - Weekends Sat & Sun; Excludes holidays in cells B2-B4
9 =WORKDAY.INTL( B1, 25, "0000111" ) - Weekends Fri, Sat & Sun; No holidays
  A B C
6 Date Falling 25 work days after Dec 1st, 2015:
7 01/05/2016   - Weekends Sat & Sun; No holidays
8 01/08/2016   - Weekends Sat & Sun; Excludes holidays in cells B2-B4
9 01/13/2016   - Weekends Fri, Sat & Sun; No holidays

Note that, in the above formulas:

For further examples of the Excel Workday.Intl function, see the Microsoft Office website.

Workday.Intl Errors

If you get an error from the Excel Workday.Intl function this is likely to be one of the following:

Common Errors
#NUM! -

Occurs if either:

  • The supplied start_date plus the supplied days argument results in an invalid date;
  • The supplied [weekend] argument is an invalid numeric value.

Occurs if either:

  • The supplied start_date or any of the values in the supplied [holidays] array are not valid dates;
  • the supplied [weekend] argument is an invalid text string;
  • The supplied days argument is non-numeric.