Related Functions:
Excel Rounding Functions

The Excel Ceiling.Precise function is one of fifteen rounding functions in Excel.

A full list, along with comparison tables, is provided on the Excel Rounding Functions page.

Function Description

The Excel Ceiling.Precise function rounds a supplied number up (regardless of the number's sign), to the nearest multiple of a given number.

I.e. Positive values are rounded away from zero (becoming more positive) and negative numbers are rounded towards zero (becoming less negative).

The syntax of the Ceiling.Precise function is:

CEILING.PRECISE( number, [significance] )

Where the arguments are as follows:

number - The number that is to be rounded up.
[significance] -

An optional argument that specifies the multiple of significance to round the supplied number up to.

If omitted, the [significance] argument takes on the default value 1 (i.e. round up to the nearest integer).

Note that the arithmetic sign of the [significance] argument is ignored.

Ceiling.Precise Function Examples

In column B of the following spreadsheet, the Excel Ceiling.Precise function is used to round up the positive and negative numbers 22.25 and -22.25, to different significance values.

  A B
1 number ceiling.precise
2 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A2, 0.1 )
3 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A3, 0.5 )
4 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A4, 1 )
5 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A5 )
6 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A6, 10 )
7 22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A7, 0 )
8 -22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A8, 1 )
9 -22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A9, -1 )
10 -22.25 =CEILING.PRECISE( A10, 5 )
  A B
1 number ceiling.precise
2 22.25 22.3
3 22.25 22.5
4 22.25 23
5 22.25 23
6 22.25 30
7 -22.25 0
8 -22.25 -22
9 -22.25 -22
10 -22.25 -20

The above examples show how:

For further information and examples of the Excel Ceiling.Precise function, see the Microsoft Office website.

Ceiling.Precise Function Error

If you get an error from the Excel Ceiling.Precise function, this is likely to be the #VALUE! error:

Common Error
#VALUE! - Occurs if one or both of the supplied arguments are non-numeric.