Excel MATCH Function

Match and Choose Functions

The Excel Match and Choose functions both look up information from an array of data.

  • The Match function receives a value to lookup, and returns the postion of the value in the array.
  • The Choose function receives a position and returns the value that has this position in the array.
Related Function:
CHOOSE Function

Function Description

The Excel Match function looks up a value in an array, and returns the position of the value within the array.

The user can specify that the function should only return a result if an exact match is found, or that the function should return the position of the closest match (above or below), if an exact match is not found.

The syntax of the Match function is:

MATCH( lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type] )

Where the arguments are as follows:

lookup_value - The value that you want to look up.
lookup_array - The data array that is to be searched.
[match_type] - An optional logical argument, which can set to 1, 0 or -1 to return the following results:
1 - If the function cannot find an exact match, it should return the position of the closest match below the lookup_value. (If this option is used, the lookup_array must be in ascending order).
0 - If the function cannot find an exact match, it should return an error. (If this option is used, the lookup_array does not need to be ordered).
-1 - If the function cannot find an exact match, it should return the position of the closest match above the lookup_value. (If this option is used, the lookup_array must be in descending order).


You can use the following wildcards in the lookup_value for text matches (but only when the [match_type] argument is set to 0):

?    -    matches any single character
*    -    matches any sequence of characters

(If you do actually want to find the ? or * character, type the ~ symbol before this character in your search).

E.g. the condition "A*e" will match all cells containing a text string beginning with "A" and ending in "e".

The Match function can be used to match numeric values, logical values, or text strings. Note that, when looking up a text string, the function is NOT case-sensitive. So, for example, the text strings "TEXT" and "text" will both be considered to be a match.

Wildcards can be used when the lookup_value is a text string and the [match_type] argument is set to 0 (requiring an exact match). This is illustrated in the examples below.

Excel Match Function Example 1: Text Match

In the following Excel Match function examples, the [match_type] argument is set to 0. Therefore, in these examples, the function only returns a result if an exact match to the lookup_value is found. Otherwise, the function returns an error.

In each case, the lookup_array is the range of cells A1-A5.


  A B
1 cccc =MATCH( "aaaa", A1:A5, 0 )
2 dddd =MATCH( "?eee", A1:A5, 0 )
3 aaaa =MATCH( "*b", A1:A5, 0 )
4 bbbb  
5 eeee  


  A B C
1 cccc 3 - matches "aaaa" so returns position 3
2 dddd 5 - matches "eeee" so returns position 5
3 aaaa 4 - matches "bbbb" so returns position 4
4 bbbb    
5 eeee    

Note that, in the above examples, as the [match_type] argument is set to 0, the text strings in the lookup_array (cells A1-A5) do not need to be ordered.

Note also, the use of the wildcard characters '?' and '*' in the examples in cells B2 and B3.

Match Function Example 2: Number Match

The following Excel Match function examples also all have the [match_type] argument set to 0 (requiring an exact match), but in this case the function is used to look up numeric values.

In each of these examples, the lookup_array is the range of cells A1-A6.


  A B
1 7 =MATCH( 4, A1:A6, 0 )
2 2 =MATCH( 8, A1:A6, 0 )
3 4 =MATCH( 10, A1:A6, 0 )
4 1  
5 8  
6 11  


  A B C
1 7 3 - returns position 3
2 2 5 - returns position 5
3 4 #N/A - no exact match - returns error
4 1    
5 8    
6 11    

As in the previous examples, as the [match_type] argument is set to 0, the values in the lookup_array (cells A1-A6) do not need to be ordered.

Match Function Example 3: Match Closest Value

In the following examples, the [match_type] argument is set to 1. Therefore, the function returns the position of the exact match to the lookup_value if this is found, or the position of the closest value below the lookup_value if an exact match is not found.

Note that, as the [match_type] argument is set to 1, the data in the lookup_array must be in ascending order.


  A B
1 4 =MATCH( 6, A1:A6, 1 )
2 6 =MATCH( 8, A1:A6, 1 )
3 7 =MATCH( 15, A1:A6, 1 )
4 10  
5 11  
6 16  


  A B C
1 4 2 - returns position 2
2 6 3 - returns position 3 (closest value below 8)
3 7 5 - returns position 5 (closest value below 15)
4 10    
5 11    
6 16    

Note that the [match_type] argument could have been omitted from the functions in the above spreadsheet, as this argument has the value 1 by default.

For further information and examples of the Excel Match Function, see the Microsoft Office website.

Match Function Errors

If you get an error from the Excel Match function, this is likely to be the #N/A error:

Common Error

#N/A -

Occurs if the match function fails to find a match for the lookup_value. This may be either:

if [match_type] = 0 - an exact match for the lookup_value is not found within the lookup_array.
if [match_type] = 1
(or is omitted)
- the first value in the lookup_array is larger than the lookup_value (note that, if the array is in ascending order, this means there is no closest match below or equal to the lookup_value).
if [match_type] = -1 - the first value in the lookup_array is smaller than the lookup_value (and therefore, if the array is in descending order, there is no closest match above or equal to the lookup_value).

If you have checked that you have the correct [match_type] argument value and that the lookup_value (or a closest match) exists in the lookup_array, it may be that the match has failed because either:

  • there are unseen characters in either the lookup_value or the values in the lookup_array
  • the lookup_value and the data in the lookup_array have different data types

Either of these cause the lookup_value and the values in the lookup_array to be seen by Excel as different, and will therefore cause the Match function to fail.

For further details on how to identify and resolve this problem, see the Failure to Match Values page.

Also, some users experience the following common problem with the Excel Match function:

Common Match Function Problem

The Excel Match function returns the wrong result

Possible Reason:

If your Excel Match function simply returns the wrong result, this may be because the lookup_array is not ordered correctly.

Check the following:

  1. Make sure the [match_type] argument is set to the correct value (Note that if this argument is omitted, it will default to 1).
  2. If you have set the [match_type] argument to 1 or -1, check that the lookup_array is correctly ordered:
  • If [match_type] is set to 1, the lookup_array should be in ascending order;
  • If [match_type] is set to -1, the lookup_array should be in descending order.